Exclusive email ID for Investors’ grievance redressal

The Company has designated as exclusive Email ID investor.redressal@pclindia.in

This e-mail id is for registering grievances of the shareholders /investors of the Company. This will enable Company to redress the investors’ grievances at the earliest.

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Precision Camshafts Limited

Mr. Tanmay M. Pethkar

3rd Floor, “Kohinoor B Zone Baner”, Survey No 35(P), 36(P), Mumbai – Bangalore Highway, Baner, Pune – 411045

Tel. No. 020 – 25673050
Email: cs@pclindia.in

Investor relations

Registrar and Transfer Agents

MUFG Intime India Private Limited

(Formerly known as Link Intime India Private Limited)

(Unit Precision Camshafts Limited)

Block No 202, Akshay Complex, 2nd floor, Near Ganesh Temple, Off Dhole Patil Road, Pune – 411001.

Tel. No. 020-26161629, 020-26160084

Email: pune@linkintime.co.in


For IPO Queries

MUFG Intime India Private Limited

(Formerly known as Link Intime India Private Limited)

C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup (West) Mumbai 400 078
Tel. No. 91-022-61715400
Fax. No. 91-022-2596-0329
Email: pcl.ipo@linkintime.co.in